Printing from MARS

How to take screenshots of webpages using FireShot with Chrome or Firefox

While you cannot print directly from MARS, it is possible to produce printable PDF documents using the Fireshot plug-in.

Saving a webpage as a PDF in Chrome or Firefox

Install FireShot into Chrome or Firefox

  1. Open Chrome or Firefox
  • If in Chrome click on this FireShot link or type the following URL into the address bar:
  • If in Firefox click on this Fireshot link or type the following URL into the address bar:
  1. Click on the Add To Chrome or Add to Firefox button in the screen that is displayed.
  2. In the dialogue box that appears click on Add extension (Chrome) or Add (Firefox) button.
add extension screen is displayed with the Add extension button circled in red
The add extension button on the dialogue box for firefox is displayed.  Add button is highlighted.



  1. When the "Congratulations: FireShot Lite installed!" webpage is displayed close the tab.

The FireShot capture page button will be displayed at the top of the Chrome and Firefox browser to the right of the address bar.


The fireshot - capture page icon is displayed at the right of the Chrome browser address bar



Take a screenshot with FireShot

  1. Open Chrome or Firefox and navigate to your desired webpage.
  2. Click on the FireShot capture page icon to the right of the address bar to open a drop down menu.
The fireshot dropdown menu in chrome is displayed with the Capture entire page instruction circled in red
  1. Click the Capture entire page entry.
  2. A Save Screenshot tab in Chrome opens displaying the page that has been captured. If correct, click the Save to PDF button.
The save screenshot tab is opened displaying the captured webpage and the Save to PDF button is circled in red.
  1. The Save as window opens. Navigate to the destination the screenshot is to be saved in.
  2. Rename the screenshot appropriately.
  3. Click the Save button.